2-1 基本元素:彈簧與阻尼
2-2 麥斯威爾模型
2-3 凱文模型
2-4 The Fractional Derivative Viscoelastic Models
分數微分 (微分分數次方)
2-4-1 廣義型式-R. L. Bagley & P. J. Torvik 1983
2-4-2 黏彈性阻尼-Kasai et al. 1993
2-4-3 彈性體 (Elastomer) -Koh and Kelly 1990
2-4-2 流體阻尼-Makris and Constantinou 1990
2-4-5 Fractional Maxwell Model used in Viscous
Fluid Damper-Makris and Constantinou 1990
2-4-6 時域數值分析