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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價127.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$101.6
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ExpressWays Cassettes 3, 2/e 2卷

Steven J. Molinsky。Bill Bliss
200.00  元
HK$ 200  

* 叢書系列:Adult Secondary
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷
* 出版地:台灣

Adult Secondary

[ 尚未分類 ]

ExpressWays offers all-skills language practice in an imaginative highway theme that puts students in the fast lane for an exciting and motivating journey to English language proficiency!ExpressWays incorporates state-of-the-art cooperative learning, critical thinking, problem solving, role-playing, cross-cultural discussions, self-assessment, and community activities to promote an interactive, student-centered learning experience.-- Student Texts contain high-interest readings that integrate lifeskills topics, functions, and grammar with role-playing, group discussion, and cooperative learning.-- Audio Programs for both Student Books and Activity Workbooks provide realistic recordings of dialogues and activities.-- Teacher’s Guides provide step-by-step instructions for each lesson, background notes, and expansion activities.-- Picture Cards (206 full-color) provide opportunities for vocabulary practice and other classroom-enrichment activities.-- Activity Workbooks provide a variety of exercises and activities for reinforcing vocabulary and grammar.-- Testing Program includes a placement test and end-of-chapter achievement tests for evaluation of student levels and progress.

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