★Story 1:狐狸與烏鴉 The Fox and the Crow
★Story 2:驢子與店主 The Donkey and the Shopkeeper
★Story 3:老鷹與農夫 The Eagle and the Farmer
★Story 4:農夫與驢子 The Farmer and the Donkey
★Story 5:驕傲的蒼鷺 The Proud Heron
★Story 6:狐狸與山羊 The Fox and the Goat
★Story 7:團結力量大 The Bundle of Sticks
★Story 8:蚊子與獅子 The Mosquito and the Lion
★Story 9:漁夫和小魚 Fisherman and His Little Fish
★Story10:母獅子 The Lioness
★Story11:北風與太陽 The Wind and the Sun
★Story12:老狗的命運 The Old Dog
★Story13:危機意識 Danger Signs
★Story14:守財奴 The Man Who Loved Money
★Story15:老太太和醫生 The old woman and the doctor
★Story16:池塘邊的鹿 The Deer at the Pond
★Story17:旅人與熊 The Travelers and the Bear
★Story18:驢子與馬 The Donkey and the Horse
★Story19:農夫的寶藏 The Farmer’s Treasure
★Story20:口乾舌燥的烏鴉 The Thirsty Crow