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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價117.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$93.6
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Introduction to Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong


Mark S. Gaylord 
230.00  元
HK$ 207  

[ 尚未分類 ]

An essential text for anyone interested in crime, law and justice in Hong Kong, this book offers the only comprehensive survey of all the major parts of Hong Kong"s criminal justice system. It also provides an introduction to some key areas of the Hong Kong legal system, including the judiciary, criminal law and legal assistance. The book will appeal not only to social and political science students but also those studying for a number of law courses.

"This is an essential book for anyone studying the contemporary Hong Kong criminal justice system. The book"s introductory chapter is an especially concise and helpful guide that directs the reader through the stages comprising Hong Kong"s criminal justice system. The remaining chapters cover the expected topics of criminal law, crime statistics, police, courts, and corrections; but also provide fascinating information on the ancillary topics of specialized enforcement, legal assistance, court interpreters, and social welfare programs for criminal offenders. In addition to its use in comparative criminal justice courses interested in focusing on a unique justice system, the book is a necessary addition to libraries where patrons are interested in Hong Kong society and culture generally and its crime and justice more specifically."

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