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Earth Reinforcement, 2 Volume Set

H. Ochiai K. Omine N. Yasufuku 
Taylor and Francis
382.00  元
HK$ 324.7  

[ 尚未分類 ]

A two-volume collection of conference papers on earth reinforcement. The first volume is arranged under five categories: testing and materials; embankments; wall structures; foundations; and slopes and excavations. The second volume includes texts of the special and keynote lectures.

H. Ochiai K. Omine N. Yasufuku 其他作品

Earth Reinforcement, volume 2: Proceedings of the international symposium, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan, 12-14 November 1996, 2 volumes

Earth Reinforcement, 2 Volume Set

此叢書 Institute of Physics Conference Series 書目

X-Ray Lasers 2004

Understanding Children"s Literature

Uveitis, Volume 2: Therapy

Hydroinformatics 96, volume 1: Proceedings of the second international conference, Z?ich, 9-13 September 1996, 2 volumes

Environmental Geotechnics, volume 2: Proceedings of the second international congress, IS-Osaka "96, Osaka, 5-8 November 1996, 2 volumes

Earth Reinforcement, volume 1: Proceedings of the international symposium, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan, 12-14 November 1996, 2 volumes

Earth Reinforcement, 2 Volume Set

Landslides, volume 3: Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on landslides Trondheim, Norway, 17-21 June 1996, 3 volumes

Children"s Early Text Construction

X-Ray Lasers 1996: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on X-Ray Lasers held in Lund, Sweden, 10-14 June, 1996

Europe"s Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment

Europe"s Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment

Lauderdale"s Notes on Adam Smith"s Wealth of Nations

Philo"s Alexandria

Feminist Foremothers in Women"s Studies, Psychology, and Mental Health

Presocratic Reflexivity: The Construction of Philosophical Discourse c. 600-450 B.C.: Logological Investigations: Volume Three

其 他 著 作