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  • 定價127.00元
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KAIZEN TEIAN 2: Guiding Continuous Improvement Through Employee Suggestions

USA, Jane Clark Lindle University of Kentucky USA. Maureen McClure University of Pittsburgh 
Productivity Press
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

More than a guide to establishing a proposal system, this volume presents methods for teaching know-how. It gives each reader the principles for thinking creatively about improving his or her own work.
This highly practical book is filled with easily understood explanations and examples of how to teach your employees to pursue excellence through kaizen teian.

Before you can institute a successful kaizen teian program, you must have a firm understanding of its underlying principles and rules. This book concentrates on making those principles clear and focuses on the importance of consistently implementing proposals. Actual examples of implemented proposals from five leading Japanese companies illustrate the principles described, and numerous figures and case studies add clarity throughout. If you are ready to tap into the full potential of your work force, this book will help you to train them to seek out new and ever better ways to do their work.

此叢書 Studies in Curriculum Theory Series 書目

Children"s Books for Grown-Up Teachers: Reading and Writing Curriculum Theory

Children"s Books for Grown-Up Teachers: Reading and Writing Curriculum Theory

Inquiry In Education Set V1&2 P

Pun(k) Deconstruction: Experifigural Writings in Art&art Education

Expertise Versus Responsiveness In Children"s Worlds: Politics In School, Home And Community Relationships

Expertise Versus Responsiveness In Children"s Worlds: Politics In School, Home And Community Relationships

Young People"s Involvement in Sport

Young People"s Involvement in Sport

KAIZEN TEIAN 2: Guiding Continuous Improvement Through Employee Suggestions

The Clinical Psychologist"s Handbook of Epilepsy: Assessment and Management

The Clinical Psychologist"s Handbook of Epilepsy: Assessment and Management

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