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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價217.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$173.6
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Safety and Reliability, 2 Volume Set

G.K. Hansen S. Lydersen H. Sandtorv 
Taylor and Francis
2024.00  元
HK$ 1720.4  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Examining the effect of age, environment, design and maintenance, these papers discuss how legislation and regulation in the management of systems deals with the topic of safety and reliability.

此叢書 Theorists of Myth 書目

The Poetics of Myth by Eleazar M. Meletinsky

Safety and Reliability, 2 Volume Set

Dam Safety, 2 Volume Set

Engineering geology - A global vieuw from the Pacific Rim, volume 4: Proceedings of the 8th international congress of the IAEG, Vancouver, 21-25 Septe

Engineering geology - A global vieuw from the Pacific Rim, volume 2: Proceedings of the 8th international congress of the IAEG, Vancouver, 21-25 Septe

Engineering geology - A global vieuw from the Pacific Rim, volume 3: Proceedings of the 8th international congress of the IAEG, Vancouver, 21-25 Septe

Engineering geology - A global vieuw from the Pacific Rim, volume 4: Proceedings of the 8th international congress of the IAEG, Vancouver, 21-25 Septe

Buddhist Forum Volume V: Philological Approach to Buddhism

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