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Cahiers du Cinema - Volume 4: 1973-1978: History, Ideology, Cultural Struggle


David Wilson 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Since its foundation in 1951, the French film journal Cahiers du Cin - perhaps, the most influential and probably the most interesting film journal ever published - has been a major source of ideas and controversy within film criticism and film-making. The fourth volume in this influential series of anthologies covers the vibrant and turbulent period from 1973 to 1978, in which the editorial make-up and policy of the journal changed radically, and issues of theory, history and politics dominated critical debate.
The anthology combines essays by critics such as Pascal Bonitzer, Serge Daney and These Giraud; round-table discussions; reviews of contemporary films from Star Wars and King Kong to Padre Padrone and Jeanne Dielman; and interviews with leading theorists including Marc Ferro and Michel Foucault, presenting a rich sampler of Cahiers" provocative and indispensable contribution to debates in film and cultural politics.

此叢書 Routledge Library of Media and Cultural Studies 書目

The Rise of American Radio 6 vols

Cahiers du Cinema - Volume 4: 1973-1978: History, Ideology, Cultural Struggle

Cahiers du Cinema 4 Vol Set (POD)

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Inaccuracies in Children"s Testimony: Memory, Suggestibility, or Obedience to Authority?

其 他 著 作