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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介

Shirose Kunio Mitsugu Kaneda Yoshifumi Kimura 
Productivity Press
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

In this large-format implementation manual, TPM experts explain P-M Analysis. (A methodology that makes zero losses a reality in your TPM program.) P-M Analysis is designed to help your TPM teams analyze and eliminate chronic problems that have been neglected or unresolved in the past.

Chronic quality defects and other chronic losses are hard to eradicate, because they typically have multiple, interrelated causes that vary with every occurrence. Common improvement strategies, like cause-and-effect analysis, are usually ineffective in dealing with such complex problems. P-M Analysis was specially developed to overcome the weaknesses of traditional methods. It offers a rigorous 8-step method for ensuring that all possible factors are identified and investigated.

Through P-M Analysis, teams really get in touch with their equipment. Its unique skill-building process improves technological know-how while delivering solutions to persistent problems. The first four steps of this rigorous 8-step program help teams isolate and understand the root causes of defects and failures within main equipment mechanisms and peripheral systems. The final four steps provide a systematic approach for effectively controlling those causes.

A critical concept in P-M Analysis is physical analysis -- a way of thinking about how defects and failures are generated that forces us to look at the physical principles involved and to quantify the changes in the relationship between the equipment mechanisms and product parts involved. When a proper physical analysis is carried out, teams are far less likely to overlook important factors or to waste time pursuing unrelated ones. Although not a cure-all, P-M Analyes...

此叢書 Colloquial Series 書目

Colloquial German 2 Cd

Colloquial German 2 Bk/Cass/Cd

Colloquial German 2 (Pb)

Essential Roles of Membrane Lipids Featuring Omega-3 Fatty Acids

On Heidegger"s Being and Time

On Heidegger"s Being and Time

Colloquial Portuguese of Brazil 2

Colloquial Portuguese of Brazil 2

Colloquial Portuguese of Brazil 2

A Student"s Guide to Education Studies

Colloquial Russian 2: The Next Step in Language Learning

Interpreting the CMMI (R): A Process Improvement Approach, Second Edition

Colloquial French 2: The Next step in Language Learning

An Actor"s Work: A Student"s Diary

Colloquial Dutch 2: The Next Step in Language Learning

Judith Butler"s Precarious Politics: Critical Encounters

Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms

Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms

Colloquial Italian 2: The Next Step in Language Learning

Colloquial Spanish 2: The Next Step in Language Learning

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