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Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families: Policy and Practice Implications

Richard K Caputo Gary W Peterson Suzanne Steinmetz 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Examine the changing structure of the family as America’s population ages!

As the United States’ economy evolves and manufacturing jobs disappear, the prospect of each generation experiencing a standard of living that exceeds that of their parents’ generation also disappears. Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families: Policy and Practice Implications explores this trend, presenting the latest original research on the changing roles of caregivers along with the economic and emotional effects on the family unit. Respected authorities discuss in detail long-term care and the standard of living of families, with a focus on the effects of changing family structures on families themselves and society at large.

The coming boom in the population of the aging will impact families at several levels. Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families thoroughly examines the economic demands of aging on families, then focuses on different roles elderly family members are likely to play over the next several decades. Some of the issues explored include “skipped generation parenting” where children are raised in grandparent homes where neither parent is present, the impending economic impact of caregiving on families, the stress on families with fewer siblings to share the caregiving tasks, and the tendency for family members to live in different parts of the country and subsequently become unable to offer caregiver support. Detailed tables provide clarity of thought while comprehensive bibliographies offer further opportunity for study.

Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families discusses:

the economics of aging

the implications of agins ...

Richard K Caputo Gary W Peterson Suzanne Steinmetz 其他作品

Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families: Policy and Practice Implications

Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families: Policy and Practice Implications

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