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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
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Handbook of Reading Research, Volume 4

Michael L Kamil P. David Pearson Elizabeth Birr Moje Peter Afflerbach Peter B Mosenthal 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

The Handbook of Reading Research is the research Handbook for the field. Each volume has come to define the field for the period of time it covers. Volume 4 follows in this tradition. The editors extensively reviewed the reading research literature since the publication of Volume 3 in 2000, as portrayed in a wide array of research and practitioner-based journals and books, to identify the themes and topics covered. Volume 4 brings the field authoritatively and comprehensively up-to-date.

Michael L Kamil P. David Pearson Elizabeth Birr Moje Peter Afflerbach Peter B Mosenthal 其他作品

Handbook of Reading Research, Volume 4

Handbook of Reading Research, Volume 4

此叢書 Middle Eastern Military Studies 書目

Israel"s Wars of Attrition: Attrition Challenges to Democratic States

Handbook of Reading Research, Volume 4

Handbook of Reading Research, Volume 4

Governing India"s Metropolises: Case Studies of Four Cities

Iraq"s Armed Forces: An Analytical History

其 他 著 作