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Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models Using R

Damon M Berridge Robert Crouchley 
CRC Press
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

此叢書 Children\"s Literature and Culture 書目

E-Services Handbook: Development, Delivery, and Management

The Project Manager"s Communication Toolkit

The Insider"s Guide for New Teachers: Succeed in Training and Induction

Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R: A Practical Introduction

Karch"s Pathology of Drug Abuse, Fourth Edition

Caliban"s Voice: The Transformation of English in Post-Colonial Literatures

The Evaluator"s Cookbook: Exercises for participatory evaluation with children and young people

Today & Tomorrow Vol 4 Women, Marriage & the Family: Lysistrata, or Woman"s Future and Future Woman Chronos, or the Future of the Family Aphrodite or

Medical Librarian 2.0: Use of Web 2.0 Technologies in Reference Servics

English 3?1: A Guide for Teachers

School Based Prevention And Consultation Jepc V17#2&3

Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering and Technology - 3 Volume Set

Encyclopedia of Chromatography, Second Edition - Volume 1 of 2 (Print)

Parallax 32 Vol10 3 Concept Or

e-Learning Standards: A Guide to Purchasing, Developing, and Deploying Standards-Conformant E-Learning

The Vedanta-Sutras with Ramanuja"s Sribhasya

Midsummer Night"s Dream

Taiwan"s Security in the Post-Deng Xiaoping Era

The Gorgon"s Head and Other Literary Pieces: With a Preface by Anatole France

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