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Mobile Web 2.0: Developing and Delivering Services to Mobile Phones

Syed A Ahson Mohammad Ilyas 
Auerbach Publicatio
1155.00  元
HK$ 1097.25  

[ 尚未分類 ]

From basic concepts to research, this handbook covers all aspects of Mobile Web 2.0. The text identifies the main challenges and proposes a platform architecture that addresses some of these challenges, discusses different platforms for developing mobile services, and examines the effect of context on mobile usability. In addition to exploring mobile social software as an ICT and different platforms for developing mobile services, the book also illustrates a conceptual framework that provides modeling facilities for context-aware, multi-channel Web applications and demonstrates how high-level modeling constructs can drive the application development process through automatic code generation.

Syed A Ahson Mohammad Ilyas 其他作品

Mobile Web 2.0: Developing and Delivering Services to Mobile Phones

WiMAX Handbook - 3 Volume Set

此叢書 Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer & Information Science 書目

The Handbook of Graph Algorithms and Applications , Volume 1: Theory and Optimization

Mobile Web 2.0: Developing and Delivering Services to Mobile Phones

其 他 著 作