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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價93.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$74.4
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Basic Mathematics for Electronics

Cooke Nelson, Adams Herbert, Dell Peter, Moore T. 
1390.00  元
HK$ 1320.5  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Basic Mathematics for Electronics combines electronic theory and applications with the mathematical principles necessary to solve a wide range of circuit problems. Coverage of mathematical topics reflects current trends in electronics. A complete chapter is devoted to Karnaugh mapping to help students cope with the greater complexity of modern digital circuit devices. Marginal notes indicate areas of special interest in computers and computer usage. To facilitate learning, material is presented in a block form that employs a two-color, single-column format. After the initial chapters, sections may be studied ndependently. As each new topic is introduced, illustrative examples and numerous problems, graded from easy to difficult, are given for reinforcement. Answers to odd-numbered problems are provided in the back of the book. The Answers to Even-Numbered Problems booklet contains answers and selected worked-out solutions. A computerized Test Bank and Transparency Masters are also available with this edition.

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