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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
HyperClinic 2 CD-ROM for Windows

Tomalty Lewis, Delisle Gloria 
513.00  元
HK$ 487.35  

[ 尚未分類 ]

HyperClinic is an interactive multimedia program appropriate for undergraduate microbiology students majoring in the health sciences or for medical students studying clinical microbiology. It is used very differently in the two modes. Allied health students are asked to evaluate a realistic case study that includes a patient history and description of signs and symptoms and to analyze the results of physician-ordered clinical tests to reach a diagnosis. Medical students will evaluate a case study scenario and then decide which clinical samples should be taken and which diagnostic tests run. Immediate feedback and prompts help the students evaluate their decisions. Animations and movies provide detailed information on how the clinical tests are conducted, providing the undergraduate with an excellent introduction to a clinical lab and providing a solid review for the more experienced student.

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