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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價127.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$101.6
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Coach Yourself to Success


Miedaner Talane 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

"In just six months I have gained tremendous clarity about how to care for my needs, live my values, and create my ideal life."
--Pat Thomas, vice president, product delivery, AT&T

"This book is your blueprint for the life you"ve always dreamed about having."
--Sandy Vilas, president, Coach University

Olympic athletes have a coach. CEOs use the services of an executive coach. Can you imagine how much more productive and successful you would be if you had your own life coach? You don"t have to anymore! In Coach Yourself to Success, Talane Miedaner, one of the most widely recognized personal coaches in the world, provides you with the latest technology for achieving success and attracting everything you have always wanted.

Using her experience as a professional coach for hundreds of Fortune 500 clients and her own corporate background, Talane shares 101 of the most powerful and effective coaching tips and presents them in an easy-to-follow, 10-part program. Coach Yourself to Success will help you gain insight into what is truly important in your life and give you the edge to take yourself from ordinary to extraordinary.

Miedaner Talane 其他作品

The Secret Laws of Attraction

Coach Yourself to Success

其 他 著 作