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Boys and Girls in the Primary Classroom


Skelton Christine, Francis Becky 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

This book sets out to illustrate how gender equity (and inequity) transpires in primary classrooms. It uses the findings of current research to provide teachers with recommendations for promoting equity amongst boys and girls.

Renowned educational researchers have taken their area of specialism and summarised recent research in the area before looking specifically at issues relevant to primary teaching and learning. The areas of the primary school covered in the book include the National Curriculum subjects of literacy, numeracy and science, and broader topics such as working with boys, children with special educational needs, primary/secondary transition, playground cultures and children"s construction of gender identities.

Boys and Girls in the Primary Classroom uses "evidence based" research to provide accessible accounts of investigations into gender and primary schooling. At the same time, it offers a critique of the whole drive towards "evidence based" research. The book is aimed particularly at primary teachers and student teachers although the research will be of interest to academics and undergraduate students.

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