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Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit R - Laws of Physics are Frame-Independent


Moore Thomas 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

SIX IDEAS THAT SHAPED PHYSICS is the 21st century"s alternative to traditional, encyclopedic textbooks. Thomas Moore designed SIX IDEAS to teach students: --to apply basic physical principles to realistic situations --to solve realistic problems --to resolve contradictions between their preconceptions and the laws of physics --to organize the ideas of physics into an integrated hierarchy

Moore Thomas 其他作品

Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit C: Conservation Laws Constrain Interactions

Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit E - Electromagnetic Fields

Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit Q - Matter Behaves Like Waves

Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit R - Laws of Physics are Frame-Independent

Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit T - Some Processes are Irreversible

Six Ideas that Shaped Physics: Unit N - Laws of Physics are Universal

A Traveler"s Guide To Spacetime

其 他 著 作