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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價217.00元
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Unveiling Greek Mythology (1) (彩圖英文版25K+1MP3)

James Baldwin 
50.00  元
HK$ 47.5  

[ 尚未分類 ]

內容簡介 Perhaps no other stories have ever been told so often or listened to with so much pleasure as the classic tales of ancient Greece.They have become so incorporated into our language and thought, and so interwoven with our literature, that we could not do away with them now if we would. They are a portion of our heritage from the distant past, and they form perhaps as important a part of our intellectual life as they did of that of the people among whom they originated.In order that the young people of our own country and time may be the better able to read these stories in the light in which they were narrated long ago, I have told them in simple language. I have hoped thus to free the narrative still more from everything that might detract from its interest simply as a story.您聽過「泰坦神族」的黃金時代嗎您知道「潘朵拉的盒子」裡裝的到底是什麼嗎?您知道什麼是「普羅米修斯之縛」嗎?您知道雅典、希臘或歐洲的名稱是怎麼來的嗎?您知道孔雀、蜘蛛或鷓鴣的由來嗎?您知道烏鴉為什麼是黑的嗎?古希臘神話是西方文明的搖籃,也是英語詞彙的重要來源之一,因此邂逅希臘神話,將能引領您深入英語的語言及文化的殿堂!本書精選您不可不知的經典希臘神話, 全書並穿插經典的世界名畫插圖,帶您盡情徜徉諸神的世界!書中標示重點單字,附IPA音標、英英注釋及單字解釋,書後附中文翻譯,並附贈「全文朗讀MP3」,讓您同時提升英語閱讀及英聽能力!

James Baldwin 其他作品

Unveiling Greek Mythology (2) (彩圖英文版25K+1MP3)

Unveiling Greek Mythology (1) (彩圖英文版25K+1MP3)

邂逅希臘神話:英文讀本 (2)( 彩圖 25K+ 1MP3)

邂逅希臘神話:英文讀本 (1)( 彩圖 25K+ 1MP3)

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