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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Contemporary Hong Kong Politics: Governance in the Post-1997 Era


Edited by Lam Wai-man, Percy Luen-tim Lui, Wilson Wong and Ian Holliday 
175.00  元
HK$ 157.5  

[ 尚未分類 ]

For customers from the United States and Canada, please order the book from University of Washington Press.

For customers from Europe, please order the book from The Eurospan Group.

A Project by the Hong Kong Political Science Association

Contemporary Hong Kong Politics analyzes Hong Kong’s core political institutions, mediating institutions and actors, key policy areas, and relationships with Mainland China and the international community.

The politics of the HKSAR have often been turbulent in the decade since the 1997 handover. This book presents a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the main strands of continuity and change during the period. It looks first at the core institutions of the SAR, focusing on the executive, legislature, judiciary, civil service, District Councils, and advisory and statutory bodies. It then turns to supporting structures in the wider society, paying particular attention to political parties and elections, civil society and NGOs, and mass media and public opinion. Analyses of key policy sectors follow, notably economic policy, social policy and urban policy. To finish, the book examines Hong Kong’s relations with the Mainland and the wider world.

This book is essential for anyone -- student, teacher or researcher -- interested in Hong Kong’s experience during the first decade of the "one country, two systems" experiment.


Lam Wai-man, Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong

Percy Luen-tim Lui, Lecturer in ie...

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