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Feedback in Second Language Writing

Ken Hyland, Fiona Hyland 
Cambridge University Press
867.00  元
HK$ 823.65  

[ 尚未分類 ]

How to provide appropriate feedback to students on their writing has long been an area of central significance to teachers and educators. Feedback in Second Language Writing: Context and Issues provides scholarly articles on the topic by leading researchers, who explore topics such as the socio-cultural assumptions that participants bring to the writing class; feedback delivery and negotiation systems; and the role of student and teacher identity in negotiating feedback and expectations. This text provides empirical data and an up-to-date analysis of the complex issues involved in offering appropriate feedback during the writing process.

此叢書 Cambridge Applied Linguistics 書目

Modelling and Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge

Modelling and Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge

Practice in a Second Language

Practice in a Second Language

Task-Based Language Education

Feedback in Second Language Writing

Feedback in Second Language Writing

Second Language Needs Analysis

Insights into Second Language Reading

Research Genres

Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning

Exploring the Dynamics of Second Language Writing

Understanding Expertise in Teaching

Criterion-Referenced Language Testing

Corpora in Applied Linguistics

Learning Vocabulary in Another Language

Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition

Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning

Exploring the Second Language Mental Lexicon

Researching and Applying Metaphor

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