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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Cooperative Learning and Second Language Teaching

Edited by Steven G. McCafferty, George M. Jacobs, Ana Christina DaSilva Iddings 
Cambridge University Press
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Although Cooperative Learning has steadily grown in popularity in second-language classrooms, few resources are available that cover the topic in depth. Cooperative Learning in Second Language Teaching is a comprehensive overview, suitable for MA TESOL programs and for in-service teachers. Part I provides a grounding for collaborative/cooperative learning by discussing the educational research, issues that surround its implementation, and how it relates to theories of second language learning. Part II is a series of six narrative chapters written by teachers from around the world. These teachers share their experiences using cooperative learning in their classrooms, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach, in both second and foreign language contexts, for elementary, secondary and post-secondary levels of instruction. An appendix outlining the techniques in these chapters is also included.

此叢書 Cambridge Language Education 書目

Cooperative Learning and Second Language Teaching

Professional Development for Language Teachers

Second Language Listening

Second Language Writing

A Practicum in TESOL

Teachers" Narrative Inquiry as Professional Development

Curriculum Development in Language Teaching

Vocabulary in Language Teaching

Language Teaching Awareness

Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom

From Reader to Reading Teacher

Classroom-Based Evaluation in Second Language Education

Teachers as Course Developers

Functional English Grammar

Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms

Educating Second Language Children

Agendas for Second Language Literacy

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