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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
工運與社會發展 : 香港的經驗 Labour Movement in a Changing Society (Text in Chinese)

陳坤耀, 伍錫康, 呂大樂 合編 
0.00  元
HK$ 0  

[ 尚未分類 ]


These two volumes (English and Chinese editions) are a collection of papers by representatives of labour, management, government and academics, which discuss the status and role of the labour movement in Hong Kong.After providing a general perspective by discussing trade unions in Asia, the books focus on aspects of the institutional framework in which the labour movement has evolved and functions in Hong Kong, and then go on to deal with the interactions betweenlabour and society in changing circumstances. Papers by trade unionists in these books describe specific experiences and the problems they have faced over the past two decades. The books end with a discussion of the relative decline in union density since 1976 and future prospects for labour in Hong Kong.

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