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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價93.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$74.4
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School Knowledge in Comparative and Historical Perspective: Changing Curricula in Primary and Secondary Educatio


Edited by Aaron Benavot and Cecilia Braslavsky 
200.00  元
HK$ 180  

[ 尚未分類 ]

For customers from the United States and Canada, please order the book from University of Washington Press.

For customers from Europe,please order the book from The Eurospan Group.

School curricula are established not only to prepare young people for a real world, but also to beckon an imagined one anchored in individual rights and collective progress. Both worlds -- the real and the imagined -- increasingly reflect influential trans-national forces.

In this special edited volume, scholars with diverse backgrounds and conceptual frameworks explore how economic, political, social and ideological forces impacton school curricula over time and place. In providing regional and global perspectives on curricular policies, practices and reforms, the authors move beyond the conventional notion that school contents reflect principally national priorities and subject-based interests. Some authors emphasize a convergence to standardized global curricular structures and discourses. Others suggest that changes regarding the intended contents of primary and secondary school curricula reveal regional or trans-cultural influences. Overall, these comparative and historical studies demonstrate that the dynamics of curriculum-making and curricular reform are increasingly forged within wider regional, cross-regional and global contexts.

Aaron Benavot is asenior policy analyst at UNESCO (Paris) working on the Global Monitoring Report on Education For All, and a senior lecturer (on leave) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. His research focuses on the effects of education on development and J...

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