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Construction Quality Management


S.L. Tang, Syed M. Ahmed, Raymond T. Aoieong, and S. W. Poon 
150.00  元
HK$ 135  

[ 尚未分類 ]

For customers from the United States and Canada, please order the book from University of Washington Press.

For customers from Europe, please order the book from The Eurospan Group.

This book examines the various quality management systems applied to the construction industry in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. Hong Kong’s experience is particularly important because it plays a leading role in construction quality management globally. The text traces the change from quality control (QC) practice in the 1970s and 1980s, to the quality assurance (QA) concept in the 1990s, and finally to the emerging total quality management (TQM) philosophy. All the tools and techniques used in relation to construction quality management are discussed in detail in the 12 chapters.

Besides being a reference book for construction professionals, this can be used as atextbook for a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in real estate, construction and civil engineering.

The authors are teachers and researchers in the construction area in universities. S.L. Tang in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Syed M. Ahmed in Florida International University, Raymond T. Aoieong in University of Macau, and S.W. Poon in the University of Hong Kong.

"A comprehensive review of the current state of construction quality management, with relevant descriptions of most of the critical issues involved, and drawing upon research from Hong Kong, the region, and internationally." - S. Ganesan, Professor of Architecture, University of Hong Kong

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