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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Organisational behaviour - a global perspective (2nd ed)

Jack Wood, Joseph Wallace, Rachid M. Zeffane 
John Wiley & Sons Australia
495.00  元
HK$ 470.25  

[ 尚未分類 ]

With an emphasis these days on international business and the global economy, there is a search on for a new breed of manager – the global manager. Such a manager knows how to conduct business across international borders, is often multilingual, thinks with a world view and is able to map strategy accordingly.
The new edition of Organisational Behaviour situates management and organisational practices within the context of a global approach to management learning. People work in a wide variety of settings and under widely varying conditions. In all cases, organisations depend on managers to help ensure that the work experiences of others are both productive and satisfying. Managers must do the right things in the right ways, and they must do so even as great changes are taking place in the environment. The study of organisational behaviour essentially requires careful examination of what managers are accomplishing and why in order to develop the best and most culturally appropriate management and...

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