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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Business Law in Hong Kong

D K SRIVASTAVA (General Editor) 
Sweet & Maxwell Limited
450.00  元
HK$ 405  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Business Law in Hong Kong makes complex legal issues accessible to non-law students by taking a contextual approach. For each area of law, the book sets out the business environment in which the law operates and highlights the issues that can arise. Thelegal principles, and in particular how the law deals with the issues arising, are then explained. Thus the book engages non-law readers by identifying actual situations and issues they will face and explaining how the law operates in those situations. The book also takes an up-to-date view of business law, recognising the forces of globalisation and the information age, and covers areas such as the legal system of the PRC and cyber law. Readers will appreciate the pragmatic approach and the diversity of the subjects covered.
Contents: Legal System of Hong Kong, Contract Law, Law of Agency, Company Law, Law of Tort, Cyber Law, Legal System of the PRC, Sale of Goods, Law of Partnership, Property Law, Employment Law

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