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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價93.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$74.4
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The Human Buddha Comic Series 1-5

333.00  元
HK$ 299.7  

  • 規格:平裝 / 868頁 / 14.8 x 21 x 6.5 cm / 普通級 / 部份全彩 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 漫畫 > 其他類型 > 輕鬆幽默

      In everyone’s life,

      there are the most difficult times.

      Have you encountered yours?

      The Buddha was a human being, not a god.

      He knew the path to true wealth,

      spoke of love and affection,

      and was caring and righteous.

      Encountering him will help you navigate with fewer road blocks.

      In this book, may you find solace

      and overcome tough obstacles through vivid comics

      that weave stories relevant to today’s living.



    The Human Buddha Comic Series 1: Unspoken Understanding

    Dear Buddha, Where Are You? / By Venerable Master Hsing Yun

    When Touched, One Can Touch Others / Editor’s Notes

    The Goddess and the Monkey

    Dirty Basin


    Breaking the Habit

    A Poor Lady Offering a Lamp

    Hurtful Speech

    Liberating Hariti

    Buddha Offers Half a Seat

    Sweep Away

    The Four Sons

    Auspicious Grass

    The Human Buddha Comic Series 2: Fortunate Encounters

    Dear Buddha, Where Are You? / By Venerable Master Hsing Yun

    Hidden within the Story / Editor’s Notes

    84 Thousand Stupas

    Proper Tuning

    Filthy Without, Purity Within

    King Isanavarman’s Liberation

    Sonadanda’s Teaching

    The Buddha Carried His Fathers Coffin

    Nothing Comes Easy

    Taming the Mad Elephant

    Paving Jetavana with Gold

    The Human Buddha Comic Series 3: Less Is More

    Dear Buddha, Where Are You? / By Venerable Master Hsing Yun

    Understand Tacitly Is Supernatural Powers / Editor’s Notes

    Offering of the Four Heavenly Kings

    First Lay Disciples

    Finding the Heart

    The Kasyapa Brothers

    Deva’s Loss

    Matanga’s Enlightenment

    A Grain of Rice Equals Mount Sumeru

    Safeguarding Rahula

    Selfless Giving

    Teaching the Old Housemaid

    Aspiring Couple

    Uppalavanna’s Realization

    The Human Buddha Comic Series 4: Long-Awaited for You

    Dear Buddha, Where Are You? / By Venerable Master Hsing Yun

    Behind the Pursuit of Perfection / Editor’s Notes

    Five Cultivations

    The Return

    The Ugly

    The Poor Man’s Offering

    The Buddha’s Wisdom

    You Reap What You Sow



    Anger’s Antidote

    Old Age Is a Gem


    Poisonous Snakes

    Devadatta’s Battle

    The Human Buddha Comic Series 5: Missing the Buddha, Yearning to See Him

    The Indian Prince in Chinese Garb / Editor’s Notes

    I Birth in the Human World: Teaching, Instructing, Benefiting, and Bringing Joy to Society

    1. Riding an Elephant, Entering the Womb

    2. Born under a Tree

    3. Asita’s Prophecy

    II Growing up in a Royal Palace: Living in Abundance

    1.Siddhartha’s Outstanding Skills

    2.Young Siddhartha’s Bewilderment

    3. Four Trips Outside the Palace

    III Bidding Farewell to Loved Ones: Renouncing for Spiritual Cultivation

    1.The Prince’s Ambition to Renounce

    2. Transcending the City and Renouncing

    3. Determined, the Hair Is Cut Off

    4. Strict Austerities for Six Years

    IV Forsaking Severe Austerities: Defeating Maras and Attaining Buddhahood

    1. Leaving and Accepting the Offering of a Shepherdess

    2. Defeating Maras and Attaining Buddhahood

    3. Everyone Can Be a Buddha

    4. Offering of the Four Heavenly Kings

    Ⅴ Initial Turning of the Dharma Wheel: The Initial Three Jewels

    1. Where Are the Audiences?

    2. First Teaching

    Ⅵ Immeasurable Compassion: Educating with Equality

    1. King Bimbisara’s Refuge Taking

    2. Anathapindika’s Vow to Build a Vihara

    3. Educating with Equality

    Ⅶ Returning Home to Teach: Liberating Loved Ones

    1. Returning to Hometown to Teach

    2. Taming the Wild Elephant

    3. Carrying His Father’s Coffin

    4. Giving Teachings to His Mother

    Ⅷ Simple Living: Liberating All Beings

    1. Beg for Alms with a Mind of Equality

    2. Meeting in the Teachings

    Ⅸ Perfecting Enlightenment With Skillfulness: Exhibiting Nirvana

    1. Last Journey

    2. Exhortation One More Time

    3. The Last Disciple

    4. Immeasurable Compassionate Heart

    5. Distribution of the Relics to Eight Kings

    Missing The Buddha, Yearing To See Him

    Translators’ Notes

      The Human Buddha Comic Series hopes to take you on a captivating journey through the life and teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha. As the translators of this five-volume set from Chinese to English, we aimed to maintain a harmonious balance between preserving the essence of the original Chinese version and ensuring a seamless flow in the English narrative.

      In adapting the content for the English audience, we strived to capture the spirit and nuances of Buddhist teachings, fostering a natural and engaging reading experience. This approach, rather than a strict word-for-word translation, allows readers to immerse themselves in the profound stories of the Buddha. Additionally, we translated the interjections from Chinese into English to ensure that readers experience the story as the authors intended.

      Recognizing the unique nature of Buddhist terminology, we have included concise explanations to aid readers unfamiliar with these concepts. This ensures that the spiritual and philosophical aspects of the narrative are readily understandable to a diverse audience.

      We express our heartfelt gratitude to our diligent editors—Arthur van Sevendonck, Andrew Nguy, and Tom Halbert—whose meticulous efforts have enhanced the clarity and accuracy of the English rendition. Their commitment to maintaining the integrity of the text has been invaluable.

      May this English adaptation of The Human Buddha Comic Series be a source of inspiration, wisdom, and joy as you delve into the profound teachings of the Buddha.


    其 他 著 作
    1. Buddha-Dharma: Pure and Simple New Edition 1-3:佛法真義 A 21st Century Guide to Buddhist Teachings
    2. 《星雲大師如是說》壹 說個人事
    3. 《星雲大師如是說》貳 說社會事
    4. 《星雲大師如是說》參 說天下事
    5. 《星雲大師如是說》三冊套書
    6. 星雲說喻 中英對照版?Bodhi Light Tales:Volume 2(附QR Code線上音檔)
    7. 星雲大師一筆字卡
    8. 人海慈航:怎樣知道有觀世音菩薩(新版)
    9. 《十種幸福之道:佛說妙慧童女經》(新版)
    10. Buddha-Dharma: Pure and Simple 6 佛法真義
    11. 話說佛光山.寺院篇1
    12. 話說佛光山.寺院篇2
    13. 星雲說喻 中英對照版(1) Bodhi Light Tales:Volume 1(附QR Code線上音檔)
    14. 讓品德成為你的即戰力:星雲大師的處世之道
    15. 星雲大師談處世(新版)
    16. 星雲大師談讀書(新版)
    17. 星雲大師談幸福(新版)
    18. 星雲大師談智慧(新版)
    19. 《般若心經的生活觀》【新版】
    20. 《成就的祕訣:金剛經》【新版】
    21. 禪學與淨土
    22. 佛法與義理
    23. 人間與實踐
    24. 佛教與生活
    25. 佛光祈願文20週年精選
    26. 怎樣做個佛光人(二版)
    27. 啟動斜槓人生,星雲大師的自學之道﹝自學之道2021年全新修訂版﹞(首刷限量贈品版)
    28. 啟動斜槓人生,星雲大師的自學之道﹝自學之道2021年全新修訂版﹞
    29. 歡喜人間
    30. 小欣的三好日記5
    31. 小熊維尼的幸福魔法書3:愛是寬廣的雙向道
    32. 星雲大師與佛光山弟子們 影音雙碟珍藏套書
    33. 小欣的三好日記 4
    34. 迷悟之間(日文版):Between Ignorance And Enlightenment
    35. 六祖壇經講話(1)
    36. 六祖壇經講話(2)
    37. 六祖壇經講話(3)
    38. 經典從小懂(論語從小懂:孔子說、莊子從小懂:莊子夢、心經從小懂:觀自在)
    39. 星雲大師一筆字
    40. 改變•守護•深耕:人間福報20年
    41. 人間佛陀漫畫系列(1):懂你不敢說
    42. 人間佛陀漫畫系列(2):幸運遇到了
    43. 人間佛陀漫畫系列(3):更少得更多
    44. 人間佛陀漫畫系列(4):等你很久了
    45. 人間佛陀漫畫系列(5):想念佛陀.想見佛陀
    46. 人間佛陀漫畫系列(5冊/套)
    47. 星雲說喻 套書
    48. 自學之道
    49. 星雲說喻六:般若
    50. 星雲說喻五:禪定
    51. 佛教管理學(全套5冊)
    52. 星雲說喻四:精進
    53. 我不是「呷教」的和尚
    54. 參學瑣憶(全套2冊)
    55. 小欣的三好日記 1
    56. 小欣的三好日記 2
    57. 小欣的三好日記 3
    58. 星雲說喻三:忍辱
    59. 華嚴經普賢十大願
    60. 星雲說喻二:持戒
    61. 星雲說喻一:布施
    62. 佛法真義1
    63. 佛法真義2
    64. 佛法真義3
    65. 讀藏指導:佛經表解
    66. 八大人覺經十講.法華經大意
    67. 談淨土法門
    68. 在人間歡喜修行:維摩詰經
    69. 在人間自在修行:八識講話 阿含經與人間佛教
    70. 般若心經的生活觀
    71. 成就的祕訣:金剛經
    72. 人間佛教的戒定慧
    73. 三好一生
    74. 《十種幸福之道:佛說妙慧童女經 / 勝鬘經十大受》
    75. 包容的智慧
    76. 包容的智慧
    77. 星雲大師心經典(套裝典藏版)
    78. 覺悟:星雲大師的人生智慧課之一
    79. 共生:星雲大師的人生智慧課之二
    80. 星雲智慧
    81. 禪門語錄
    82. 圖解淨土生活
    83. 佛光菜根譚抄經本7
    84. 佛光菜根譚抄經本9
    85. 慈悲:星雲大師的人生財富課之二
    86. 福報:星雲大師的人生財富課之一
    87. 佛光菜根譚抄經本6
    88. 佛光菜根譚抄經本10
    89. 人間佛緣 百年仰望
    90. 詩歌人間:星雲大師第一本詩歌集
    91. 佛光菜根譚抄經本8
    92. 星雲禪話套書(1-10冊)
    93. 星雲大師教你一念轉運(人間羽錄1)
    94. 人間佛教的發展
    95. 寬心:星雲大師的人生哲學課之一
    96. 佛眼:星雲大師的人生哲學課之二
    97. 百年佛緣(16冊套書)
    98. 十種幸福之道:佛說妙慧童女經
    99. 厚道:星雲大師的人生成功課之一
    100. 悟達:星雲大師的人生成功課之二