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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價127.00元
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Hong Kong Chronicles:Overview & Chronology


Hong Kong Chronicles Institute
2377.00  元
HK$ 2139.3  

  • 規格:精裝 / 777頁 / 21 x 28.5 x 6.4 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港

  • 人文社科 > 中國/亞洲研究 > 區域研究

      Overview & Chronology is the first title of the book series Hong Kong Chronicles by Hong Kong Chronicles Institute。 It presents a detailed overview of Hong Kong’s local history and more than 6,500 major historical events taking place between ancient times and 2017。


      The book series consists of 66 volumes to be released in 42 books with 25 million words and completed in phases by 2027。 It covers a historical timeline of 7,000 years – from the New Stone Age 5,000 B。C。 to the inauguration of the fifth term of the HKSAR government on July 1,2017。 It includes 10 major categories,including nature,economy,culture,society,politics and people,etc。

      Local chronicles have the important functions of preserving history,providing reference for policymaking and educating the people。 Through the compilation of local chronicles,it serves to seek out,preserve and promote the stories of people,their socio-economic development and way of life as well as political structure。 It plays an important role of cultural significance in driving the future by reflecting on the past。 The book series is of profound historical significance and cultural value as an accurate,objective,systematic and comprehensive record of 7,000 years of Hong Kongs transformation。




    General Rules







    Preservation of Our History Through Hong Kong Chronicles? ?

      It is said that “A mighty tree grows from its roots just as a great river flows from its source。” As part of human civilisation and of Chinese tradition,we in Hong Kong have long aspired to trace our roots and preserve our history。? ?

      Since ancient times,our ancestors have lived and thrived on the land of Hong Kong,leaving behind traces of their lives and of an evolution spanning thousands of years。 However,for over 200 years since the compilation of Xin’an County Local Chronicles in 1819,no other Chinese local chronicles with reference to Hong Kong had been published。

      Yet,these two centuries were a significant period witnessing the remarkable growth of Hong Kong into a cosmopolitan city through the hard work and dedication of its people。 During the same period,Hong Kongs unbroken bond and its shared future with the Mainland were manifest。 The British occupation of Hong Kong since 1841 ushered in 150 years of dramatic ups and downs。 The return of Hong Kong in 1997 set the stage for a new era of rejuvenation alongside the motherland。 Hong Kong,frequently looked askance as a “borrowed place” on “borrowed time” in the past,has transformed since 1997 into a Special Administrative Region within the framework of “One Country,Two Systems。” We,the people of Hong Kong,should no longer see ourselves as transients but should strive to deepen our understanding and strengthen our ties with the Mainland。 That way,we shall be able to take on the responsibility as masters of our own house and find the right direction toward building a brighter future。? ?

      Local chronicles have the important functions of preserving history,providing reference for policymaking and educating the people。 Through the compilation of local chronicles,it serves to seek out,preserve and promote the stories of people,their socio-economic development and way of life as well as political structure。 It plays an important role of cultural significance in driving the future by reflecting on the past。

      At Hong Kong Chronicles Institute,our goal is to compile a comprehensive record of Hong Kong’s past,with detailed materials on its natural environment,politics,economy,society,culture and people。 We hope Hong Kong Chronicles as a book series will become an enduring body of information and a source of wisdom in support of Hong Kong’s continued development。? ?

    C。 H。 Tung Vice Chairman,

    Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Chairman,

    Our Hong Kong Foundation Chairman,

    Hong Kong Chronicles Institute ?

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