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  • 定價117.00元
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Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 9E


Davi-Ellen Chabner
650.00  元
HK$ 617.5  

  • 規格:平裝 / 464頁 / 19.1 x 23.5 x 2.32 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 醫藥衛生類 > 醫藥



      Build a working medical vocabulary quickly with Chabner’s Medical Terminology:A Short Course,9th Edition!Omitting time-consuming,nonessential information,this text helps you master the basics of medical vocabulary — including the most frequently encountered suffixes,prefixes,and word roots。 A text/workbook format lets you practice and interact with medical terminology on almost every page through exercises,labeling,and pronunciations。 Case studies and real-world vignettes demonstrate how medical terms are used in practice。 With all this plus medical animations,word games,and flash cards on the Evolve website,youll be amazed at how easily medical terminology becomes part of your vocabulary。

      New to this edition

      •NEW!Additional case studies provide examples of medical terminology in the context of patient care and procedures。

      •NEW!Immunity and COVID-19 Vaccines appendix features topics of current interest,including infectious disease,cancer treatments,medical technologies,and pharmacology。

      Key Features

      •Easy-to-read and understandable language allows you to quickly grasp and retain medical terminology even if you’ve had little or no background in biology or medicine。

      •Text/workbook approach reinforces learning every step of the way with exercises,diagram labeling,review sheets,and pronunciation practice throughout the book。

      •Full-color illustrations and photographs show parts of the body,diseases,conditions,and medical procedures。

      •Picture Show activities,medical case reports,and vignettes demonstrate real-life applications of medical terms。

      •First Person narratives help you to understand diseases and conditions from the patient’s perspective。

      •Principal Diagnosis feature shows how medical terms are used in clinical practice by asking you to read physician notes about a case and determine the patient’s principal diagnosis。

      •Medical Terminology Check Up at the end of each chapter reinforces your understanding of key concepts and easily confused terms。

      •Evolve website includes resources optimized for tablet use,and mobile-optimized versions of the flash cards and quick quizzes make it easier for on-the-go study and review。

      •Body Systems Challenge self-test assesses and reinforces your understanding at your own pace。



    Chapter 1. Basic Word Structure

    Chapter 2. Organization of the Body

    Chapter 3. Suffixes

    Chapter 4. Prefixes

    Chapter 5. Medical Specialists and Case Reports

    Appendix 1: Body Systems

    Appendix 2: Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

    Appendix 3: Abbreviations, Acronyms, Symbols, and Eponyms

    Appendix 4: Hot Topics NEW!

    Glossary 1: Mini-Dictionary

    Glossary 2: Glossary of Word Parts

    Glossary 3: Glossary of English-Spanish Terms


    其 他 著 作
    1. 醫護術語(五版)
    2. 醫護術語(四版) Medical Terminology-a short course, 6e