全球最知名立體書紙藝大師Matthew Reinhart
? ? ? ? 以星際大戰、冰雪奇緣、樂高等立體書享譽國際的紙藝大師Matthew Reinhart,與俄羅斯知名插畫家Ekaterina Trukhan首度針對學齡前孩童製作幼兒「立體魔幻系列」(Pop Magic series)。繼前作「給孩子的色彩立體書」大獲好評,此次再推出以「形狀」為主題的立體書。
? ? ? ? 孩子將透過這本色彩繽紛明亮、充滿創意互動裝置的硬頁立體書,認識及探索生活中常見的正方形、三角形、圓形、長方形和橢圓形。書中除了說明形狀的簡單定義,還邀請孩子動動雙眼找出畫面中特定形狀的物件、動動小手翻開機關裡隱藏版的驚喜。最後還有形狀大集合跨頁彩蛋!
? ? ? ? 這本精心設計的童趣立體書,將進一步啟發幼兒對形狀的好奇心與觀察。每一頁列出的形狀都出自生活常見物件,好比「圓形是甜甜圈、亮亮的鈕扣、輪子」,爸媽不只能帶著孩子從遊戲中輕鬆學習各種常見形狀與物件的英文詞彙,還能延伸詢問孩子想到哪些其他的形狀物件,激發聯想力外,美好的圖片跟充滿巧思的立體機關也是孩子最佳的美感啟蒙讀物。
Learn all about shapes in this dynamic follow-up to Colors: My First Pop-Up! in the Pop Magic series, an exciting line of preschool books from pop-up wizard Matthew Reinhart that makes learning fun!
A stunning, hands-on exploration of shapes for the very youngest readers! Bestselling paper engineer Matthew Reinhart brings his creative genius to this innovative preschool pop-up, connecting basic concepts to interactive elements that will delight and inform little ones with every page. The shapes included are: square, triangle, circle, rectangle, and oval.