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Real English for Nurses【Advanced】(菊8K+MP3)(With No Answer Key�無附解答)


Doreen Park
183.00  元
HK$ 183  

書 號: C4436-0811
書 系: ESP 專業英文
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21*27.7cm)
條 碼: 9789863188858
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 114

[ 尚未分類 ]











Real English for Careers is a series of books designed to help professionals and college students develop the necessary language skills to succeed in the professional world. Covering a wide range of industries, the series teaches English as it is used in specific professions and work environments. Real English for Careers is ideal for those who want to improve their English communication skills quickly and easily.

Key Features of Real English for Nurses (Advanced)

12 units covering common situations faced by nurses in hospitals
Topics that include helping patients adjust to the hospital; having conversations with doctors; giving verbal shift reports; getting along with palliative, geriatric, and pediatric patients; and transferring and discharging patients
Unit previews that illustrate the real situations discussed in each unit in a comical way
Conversations that demonstrate practical, everyday English for students interested in careers in medical service as well as those preparing for entrance exams or hospital interviews
Real-life photos to facilitate comprehension of the language and environment
Vocabulary sections that pave the way toward fluent and confident communication
Exercises that enable students to conduct self-examinations of their listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities
Tips boxes that help students gain an exhaustive awareness of cultural differences as well as ways to communicate with different patients and other essential nursing skills
MP3 audio recordings by native speakers demonstrating correct pronunciation to stimulate progress in both listening and oral skills
Appendix with extra study materials that deepen students’ understanding of real-life situations

Each unit includes:
• Preview
• Conversations
• Vocabulary Tips
• Speaking, Listening, Writing & Reading Exercises ?
• Culture Tips
• Nursing Tips
• Language Tips
• Communication Tips
• Role-Playing

CEFR B1�TOEIC 550�GEPT 中級 Intermediate

Plan of the Book

Unit 1 Admission to a Hospital Unit
- Introductions
- Hospital Policies
- Vital Signs
- Alcohol and Smoking History

Unit 2 Hospital Life and Adjusting to the Unit
- Asking About Dietary Restrictions
- Giving Directions
- Preparing for Procedures (NPO)
- Going Outside the Hospital

Unit 3 Phone Conversations
- Making an Appointment
- Incorrect Number and Transferring a Phone Call
- Talking to a Doctor on the Phone
- Talking to Distant Family Members on the Phone
- Calling for Urgent Tests
- Clarifying Information on the Phone

Unit 4 Conversations With Doctors
- Discussing a Patient’s Condition
- Discussing a Patient’s Plan of Care
- Discussing a Patient’s Discharge Plan
- Discussing a Patient’s Code Status

Unit 5 Nursing Shift Report (1)
- Starting a Shift Report
- Discussing a Patient’s Mobility and Assistance
- Discussing a Patient’s Respiratory Status
- Discussing a Patient’s Diet

Unit 6 Nursing Shift Report (2)
- Post-Operative Care (1): Basic Information, Medication, Mobility
- Post-Operative Care (2): Wound Care
- Diabetes: Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia
- Urinary and Bowel Elimination

Unit 7 Medication Administration
- Oral Medication
- Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, and Topical Medication
- Sublingual and Intravascular Medication
- Handling a Medication Error

Unit 8 Pain Management
- Pain Assessment (1)
- Pain Assessment (2)
- Pain Medication for Exercise and Treatment
- Monitoring Pain Medication

Unit 9 Palliative Patients
- Comfort Care for Unconscious Patients
- Pain Assessment for Palliative Patients
- Communicating With Palliative Patients
- Communicating With Family Members

Unit 10 Geriatric Patients
- General Conversations With Elderly Patients
- Assessing Swallowing Problems
- Dealing With Confused Patients

Unit 11 Pediatric Patients
-Medication Administration
-Talking to Parents in the Pediatric Unit
-Pain Assessment for Pediatric Patients
-Conversation for Medical Procedures

Unit 12 Transfer and Discharge
-Informing a Patient About a Unit Transfer
-Giving a Report to the Receiving Unit
-Discharge Teaching
-Discharging a Diabetic Patient

-Extra Study Materials
-Word List

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