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183.00  元
HK$ 164.7  

  • 規格:平裝 / 324頁 / 17 x 23 x 1.62 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 人文社科 > 歷史 > 中國歷史 >



































    去中國的路上:亞丁和馬爾地夫(En Route for China: Aden and the Maldives)

    前往中國的英國海軍艦隊(British Gun-Boat Flotilla en Route for China)

    去中國的路上:從錫蘭到香港(En Route for China: From Ceylon to Hong Kong)

    中國速寫:香港(Sketches from China: Hong Kong)

    中國速寫:香港群像(Sketches from China: Portraits of Different People)

    佛山水道之戰(The Battle of Fatsham Creek)

    在中國的戰爭:流溪河之戰(War in China: The Battle of Escape Creek)

    香港速寫(Sketches from Hong Kong)

    香港的閱兵場(The Parade at Hong Kong)

    在中國的戰爭:佛山水道之戰、抬轎子的苦力(The War in China: The Battle of Fatsham Creek, Chair Coolies)

    英國皇家海軍的制服(Naval Uniform)

    在中國的戰爭:馬尼拉之行(War in China: A Trip to Manilla)

    馬尼拉速寫:騎馬旅行(Sketches in Manilla: Traveling on Horseback)

    馬尼拉速寫:碎石路與早餐後的閒暇(Sketches in Manilla: A Macadamised Road and Leisure after Breakfast)

    馬尼拉和香港速寫(Sketches of Manilla and Hong Kong)

    馬尼拉速寫:市井小販(Sketches in Manilla: Chinese Chow-chow Sellers and the Meat Market)

    馬尼拉速寫:菲律賓的夏天(Sketches in Manilla: The Heat of Summer in Philippines)


    馬尼拉速寫:華人音樂會(Sketches in Manilla: Chinese Musical Party)

    中國速寫:香港的街市與碼頭(Sketches in China: Gilmans Bazaar and Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong)

    中國速寫:割稻、中式房屋(Sketches in China: Rice-harvesting and a Chinese House)

    中國畫「大敗鬼子真圖」(Chinese Drawing of the Fatsham Creek Affair; A Sporting Tour in Governor Yeps Land)

    在中國的戰爭:葉名琛、船女、寺廟與水兵(The War in China: Commissioner Yeh, Sampan Girl, Joss House and the Crew of a Gun Boat)

    在中國的戰爭:來自《陸上郵報》與《追蹤報》的報導(The War in China: News Reports from Overland Mail and Moniteur)

    在中國的戰爭:激戰廣州(The War in China: Fierce Fighting in Canton)

    在中國的戰爭:抓獲葉名琛(The War in China: Commissioner Yeh Captured)

    在中國的戰爭:炮轟廣州城(The War in China: Bombarding the City of Canton)

    在中國的戰爭:軍事輜重隊(The War in China: The Military Train, Canton)

    廣州的城牆和城門(The Walls and Gates of Canton)

    在中國的戰爭:從廣州到香港(The War in China: From Canton to Hong Kong)

    在中國的戰爭:廣州的舊碼頭(The War in China: The Old Landing-Place in Canton)

    在中國的戰爭:療傷的英軍與中國的新年(The War in China: The Wounded British Officers and the Chinese New Year)

    中國速寫:香港跑馬場(Sketches in China: Hong Kong Races)

    廣州的英國商品貿易(Sale of English Goods, Canton)

    中國速寫:解禁後的廣州街頭(Sketches in China: Canton after the Ban is Lifted)

    中國速寫:廣州的警察、哨兵和苦力(Sketches in China: Policemen, Sentries, and Coolies in Canton )

    中國速寫:關於廣州的謠言(Sketches in China: Rumours of Attacks in Canton)

    向廣州白雲山附近的清軍兵勇們發起的進攻(Attack on the "Braves" Near the White Cloud Mountain, Canton)

    英法聯軍艦隊進攻白河要塞(The Attack of Peiho Forts by the English and French Fleets)

    中國速寫:登陸廣州與商店被焚(Sketches in China: Landing in Canton and the Burning of a Store)

    《中英天津條約》的簽訂(Signing the Treaty between England and China at Tien-tsin)

    廣州速寫:「復仇者」的燒殺劫掠(Sketches in Canton: Return of the Avengers)

    廣州速寫:城內的恐慌(Sketches in Canton: Panic at the Commissariat Stores)

    中國報導:傷病員登上「廣州號」(China: The Embarkation of Sick and Wounded on Board the "Canton")

    中國報導:哈里森船長、清軍水師兵船的襲擊(China: Captain Harrison, Chinese Boat Attack)

    中國速寫:女水果販子與鴉片鬼(Sketches in China: Chinese Fruit Girl and Opium Smokers)

    一位西藏的黃教喇嘛(A Lama of Tibet, of the Dalai Sect)

    中國速寫:廣州海幢寺住持授職儀式(Skethes in China: The Consecration of a Buddhist Abbot at the Temple of Honan)

    鴉片鬼的墮落歷程(Opium-Smoking in China, from Drawing by a Native Artist)

    本報特約畫家和記者的中國速寫(Sketches in China by Our Special Artist and Correspondent)


    廣州速寫:一位中醫、伍浩官的花園(Sketches in Canton: A Chinese Doctor, Howqua Garden, Near Canton)

    中國速寫:婦女髮型、洗衣方式(Sketches in China: Hair Style Like a Teapot, Washing Linen)

    中國速寫:翻山越嶺和藝人表演(Sketches in China: A Mountain Pass, Entertainment in the Village of Lin-Cong)

    中國速寫:在中國旅行—中途歇息(Sketches from China: Traveling in China—the Midday Halt)

    中國畫家(Chinese Artists)

    1859年的中國人禮儀風俗(Manners and Customs of the Chinese in 1859)

    臺灣漢族人的禮儀風俗(Manners and Customs of the Chinese in Formosa)

    英法聯軍對白河河口的清軍炮臺發起攻擊(Attack by the Allied Forces on the Mouth of the Peiho River)

    臺灣的漢族人禮儀風俗(Chinese Manners and Customs in Formosa)


    對原香港副總督凱恩中校的表彰(Chinese Mirror Presented to Lieut.-Colonel Caine, Late Lieutenant-Governor of Hong Kong)

    英國艦隊在中國(The English Fleet in China, off Kintang)

    中國報導:英法聯軍即將北上(China: The Combined Fleet in China is Getting Under Way for the North)

    中國報導:克蘭忒爵士及其參謀部成員(China: Sir Hope Grant and the Staff of the British Expedition in China)

    中國報導:英國軍隊在大連灣(China: The British Forces in Talien-Wan)

    中國的咸豐皇帝(Hsian Fou, Emperor of China)

    關於中國戰爭的插圖說明(Illustrations of the War in China)

    有關在華戰爭的插圖:英法聯軍的登陸、北塘的旁遮普街(Illustrations of the War in China: The Landing of the Allied Forces, Punjaub Street at Pehtang)

    英法聯軍攻占大沽要塞(The Storming and Capture of Peiho Forts)

    在廣州取得的勝利(The Victory of Canton)

    在中國的戰爭:在北京的城牆下(War in China: Under the Wall of Pekin)

    費恩與普羅賓騎兵師(Fanes and Probyns Horse Service in China)

    皇家龍騎兵禁衛軍跟八旗兵在北京附近的遭遇戰(The Kings Dragoons Guards Closing with Tartary Cavalry in the Engagement Near Pekin)

    其 他 著 作
    1. 遺失在西方的中國史:《倫敦新聞畫報》記錄的晚清1842-1857
    2. 遺失在西方的中國史(上)〈倫敦新聞畫報〉記錄的晚清1842-1873(精裝)
    3. 遺失在西方的中國史(下)〈倫敦新聞畫報〉記錄的晚清1842-1873(精裝)
    4. 嘉義縣老榕樹行腳故事[軟精裝]
    5. 英國中世紀詩歌選集
    6. 中國覺醒
    7. 漢學菁華