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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價127.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$101.6
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Reading Highlights 3


AMC Editorial Staff
167.00  元
HK$ 141.95  

  • 規格:平裝 / 228頁 / 19 x 26 x 1.14 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 2版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 閱讀 > 閱讀技巧














    Unit 1?An Introduction to the Wonderful World of Cheese

    Unit 2?What Makes Addiction So Hard to Kick?

    Unit 3?Will You Take the Slow Route?

    Unit 4?On TikTok, Stolen Dances Are a Big Problem

    Unit 5?Keeping Hackers Away from Your Data

    Unit 6?Wrestling Through the Ages

    Unit 7?Budget Airlines: How Do They Do It?

    Unit 8?Tips for Taking Criticism

    Unit 9?Searching the Night Sky for Planet Nine

    Unit 10?The Amazing Self-Taught Architect

    Unit 11?The Hidden Truth Behind Food Studies

    Unit 12?Gloom Is Good

    Unit 13?How Subscriptions Have Taken Over the Economy

    Unit 14?Oktober’s Best for Drinking

    Unit 15?A Brief History of Urban Renewal

    Unit 16?Beat the Heat with Water Sports

    Unit 17?The Fine Art of French Cuisine

    Unit 18?The Theory of Social Intelligence

    Unit 19?The Cause and Effect of Soil Liquefaction

    Unit 20?Scenery and Saunas in Finland

    Unit 21?Get Ready to Feel the Internet with Haptic Feedback

    Unit 22?Ju Ming: A Master Who Brings Sculptures to Life

    Unit 23?Inside the World of Anime’s Greatest Director

    Unit 24?The ABCs of Aquaponics

    Unit 25?Taiwan’s New Twist to an Old Art Form

    Unit 26?The Docile and Useful Alpaca

    Unit 27?What’s for Dinner in Ancient Egypt?

    Unit 28?Breaking down Borders to Help the Poor

    Unit 29?Introducing Paddington Bear

    Unit 30?A Beginner’s Guide to Indian Food

    Unit 31?The Beautiful Mind of Stephen Hawking

    Unit 32?Thinking Outside the Box

    Unit 33?The Birth of King Arthur

    Unit 34?What Really Controls Our Thoughts?

    Unit 35?The Magic and Beauty of England’s Lake District

    Unit 36?Where Would We Be Without Clay?

    Unit 37?Take a Tour of the Majestic Maldives

    Unit 38?Calling “In” or “Out” with a Robotic Eye in the Sky

    Unit 39?The Amish Way of Life

    Unit 40?The Rare and Agile Binturong

    Unit 41?The History and Highlights of the Orsay Museum

    Unit 42?The Keepers of the Last Door

    Unit 43?Getting a Handle on “Cancel Culture”

    Unit 44?Marc Chagall: The Master of Color

    Unit 45?Cave of Wonders

    Unit 46?Qalang Smangus─Utopia in Central Taiwan

    Unit 47?The Hamburger: America’s Signature Dish

    Unit 48?Taking to the Ice

    Unit 49?The Cotton Castle and the Holy City

    Unit 50?Discovering Ferns

    Unit 51?Gaming Stars Power Up Their Careers with Corporate Deals

    Unit 52?The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen

    Unit 53?“Ecolabels” Help People Make Greener Choices

    Unit 54?Meet the Maori

    Unit 55?The Real Inspiration Behind SpongeBob and Patrick

    Unit 56?A Confused and Crowded Mind

    Unit 57?Something About Nothing

    Unit 58?Coco Chanel: A True Fashion Icon

    Unit 59?The Allure of the Orchid

    Unit 60?Exploring the Paris Underground

    Unit 61?An Intro to Asperger’s Syndrome

    Unit 62?Finding New Depths in Modern Poetry

    Unit 63?How Brides Look Their Best

    Unit 64?The Fascinating Lifecycle of Amphibians

    Unit 65?PC Words and Why We Use Them

    Unit 66?Teeth of the Animal Kingdom

    Unit 67?South Africa’s Beloved Freedom Fighter

    Unit 68?A Picture’s Worth Is a Thousand Likes… or Is It?

    Unit 69?Machu Picchu: City of the Incas

    Unit 70?The One Time Where Too Much Salt Is a Good Thing

    Unit 71?Space Tourism Soars

    Unit 72?Making Some Noise with Your Shoes

    其 他 著 作
    1. Reading Highlights 2
    2. Reading Highlights 2
    3. Reading Highlights 2