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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價217.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$173.6
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47.00  元
HK$ 42.3  

  • 叢書系列:耽美向 BL&GL
  • 規格:平裝 / 160頁 / 12.7 x 18.2 x 1 cm / 限制級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
    耽美向 BL&GL

  • 漫畫 > BL / GL > BL

      察覺到自己對代替父母照顧自己的堂兄帶有愛意的同時,夕嗣失戀了。 而這件事被大學學長•真姬給看穿, 為了讓他幫忙保密,夕嗣開始將學長“飼養”在家裡。 真姬就像真正的貓,隨心所欲又奔放,在與他同居時,漸漸地……!? 任性的美麗貓咪×傷心男子,不請自來的同居生活? 除標題作品外,另收錄描繪了埋藏15年以上的心意「魚與水」。


    其 他 著 作
    1. 今天開始當你的狗
    2. 常備菜食堂 的超簡單神菜單168:Twitter近40萬粉絲推崇!忙人專屬食譜
    3. Manners Begin at Breakfast: Modern Etiquette for Families
    4. 兒童益智教具 黃金傳說OH MY GOLD!
    5. Biology: The Essentials 3/e
    6. 【超強實例】快狠準!子彈筆記術+專用「徹底重整•Pantone色筆記本」套組(筆記本共四色,隨機出貨)
    7. Lift-the-flap questions and answers slipcase:Body、Animals、Dinosaurs、Time、Food
    8. 融合教育課程與教學實務
    9. Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers About Our World
    10. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
    11. Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers about Animals (硬頁書)
    12. Pathways 4: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking
    13. 日日手作。預約一整年的幸福計劃:羊毛氈×手工皂×鉤織×布作×刺繡×橡皮章!
    14. 閱讀電影影像
    15. 101 French Idioms with MP3 Disc
    16. 101 French Proverbs with MP3 Disc
    17. 365天英語口語大全•交際口語(附贈MP3)
    18. The Art of Retail Buying: An Introduction to Best Practices from the Industry (Hardcover)
    19. 365天英語口語大全•出國口語(附贈MP3) The Very Travelling Oral English
    20. Clean-Up Time
    21. Diapers Are Not Forever
    22. 哆啦A夢英語學習任意門(附CD)
    23. Business Communications with Grademax
    24. Make Every Man Want You
    25. Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice
    26. Pacifiers Are Not Forever
    27. Human Anatomy + Acess Card 5th Ed + Brief Atlas of the Human Body 2nd Ed
    28. Life w/ARIS bind in card
    29. Ultimate Book of Franchises
    30. Hands Are Not for Hitting
    31. Services Marketing
    32. Transforming Your Go-to-Market Strategy
    33. The Healthy Lunchbox
    34. Tails Are Not for Pulling
    35. Careers for High-Energy People & Other Go-Getters
    36. Comprehensive Guide to Drugs and Substances of Abuse
    37. Ultimate Book of Franchises
    38. A Rhetoric of Argument: Text and Reader with Catalyst access card
    39. A Rhetoric of Argument: Brief with Catalyst access card
    40. 身體憂鬱症
    41. 美索不達米亞:兩河流域的文明曙光
    42. 女性健康飲食
    43. Teach Yourself French Verbs
    44. Problems in Pediatric Drug Therapy
    45. En Francais (Book + 3CDs)
    46. 法國為何出現左右共治?歷史、政治、憲法的考察
    47. 暈海
    48. Social Work in Oncology
    49. Teaching Swimming and Water Safety: The Australian Way
    50. 減肥妙方 原著書名: Reshaping Your Life
    51. 丈夫不見了
    52. Tr?ors litt?aires: Initiation ?la litt?ature fran?ise et francophone (Student Edition)
    53. 小姐變成豬
    54. Nutrition In Infancy and Childhood
    55. 101 French Proverbs
    56. 火山與地震-人類文明小百科9
    57. 101 Spanish Idioms
    58. 101 French Idioms
    59. Virtue, fortune, and faith : a genealogy of finance