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Hands-On English Teaching: A Complete Guide with Classroom Management Techniques演練式英語教學: 班級經營策略全指引


Alex Rath
Rath Media Co., Ltd.
83.00  元
HK$ 70.55  

  • 規格:平裝 / 178頁 / 18.7 x 26 x 0.89 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 英語學習法







      A Powerful and Dynamic Instructional System

      Increase Student Speaking and Writing

      Help Students to Become Fluent in English


      Maximize Classroom Learning for Students

      Learn the Secrets of Classroom Management

      Works with Any Textbook



    Part I: Setting Instructional Stage

    Lesson 001: Introducing Hands-On English Teaching

    Lesson 002: Starting on Time

    Lesson 003: Assigning Seats

    Lesson 004: Introducing Yourself

    Lesson 005: Discussing Class Time

    Lesson 006: Discussing Attendance

    Lesson 007: Discussing Breaks

    Lesson 008: Stating Class Rules

    Part II: Preparing Classroom Structures

    Lesson 009: Greeting Students

    Lesson 010: Monitoring Late Arrivals

    Lesson 011: Banning Distractions

    Lesson 012: Projecting Lesson Plans

    Lesson 013: Quieting Down a Class

    Lesson 014: Checking Textbooks

    Lesson 015: Collecting Student Data

    Lesson 016: Making Biopages

    Lesson 017: Making Biobooks

    Lesson 018: Updating Biobooks

    Lesson 019: Requiring Header Paper

    Lesson 020: Explaining Homework Procedures

    Lesson 021: Collecting Secret Codes

    Lesson 022: Describing Online Document Submission

    Lesson 023: Explaining Paper Security

    Lesson 024: Requiring Document Filenames

    Lesson 025: Demonstrating the Upload Process

    Lesson 026: Collecting Paper Copies in Class

    Lesson 027: Collecting Classroom Data

    Lesson 028: Writing Teacher Notes

    Lesson 029: Managing Student Data Spreadsheets

    Part III: Running Participatory Activities

    Lesson 030: Requiring Classroom Contribution

    Lesson 031: Selecting Student Presenters

    Lesson 032: Guiding Student Readers

    Lesson 033: Guiding Student Writers

    Lesson 034: Guiding Student Computer Operators

    Lesson 035: Writing Lesson Plans

    Lesson 036: Selecting Textbook Activities

    Lesson 037: Incorporating Speaking and Writing

    Lesson 038: Introducing Mispronunciation

    Lesson 039: Explaining Mispronunciation

    Lesson 040: Describing Types of Oral Language

    Lesson 041: Requiring Complete Sentences

    Lesson 042: Correcting Sentence Structure Errors

    Lesson 043: Explaining Evaluation

    Lesson 044: Displaying Grades and Line Graphs

    Lesson 045: Trying New Instructional Activities


    3.1 Assigned Seats

    8.1 Class Rules

    10.1 Late Student Sign-in Sheet

    12.1 Couse Schedule LANG107 Spring 2019

    16.1 Biopage 01 Handout

    16.2 Biopage 02 Handout

    19.1 Header Paper Sample

    19.2 Header Format Instructions

    20.1 Composition-01

    21.1 Secret Codes

    22.1 Online Submission

    26.1 Audio-01 Assignment

    27.1 Late Arrivals

    31.1 Contribution Checklist

    35.1 Lesson Plan Sample

    37.1 Class Coverage Tool

    43.1 Grading Key Example

    44.1 Grade Spreadsheet

    44.2 Line Graph with Markers

    Figures and Tables

    Figure 1: The three major parts of the Hands-On English Teaching process

    Figure 2: The placement and interaction of teachers and students during a Hands-On English Teaching class

    Table 1: The interaction between teacher and students during Part III of the Hands-On English Teaching process


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