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Cloze Test & Discourse Structure 大考三題型:克漏字&文意選填&篇章結構 (附解析本)(修訂三版)


73.00  元
HK$ 65.7  

  • 規格:平裝 / 112頁 / 19 x 26 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 三版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 文法/句型




      1. 111學年度起學科能力測驗適用。

      2. 20回克漏字、15回文意選填及15回篇章結構,大考關鍵三種題型,一本就搞定!

      3. 每回皆含翻譯練習,累積翻譯及寫作實力。

      4. 精選字彙補充,複習大考重要字彙與其用法。

      5. 隨書附贈解析本,內含詳解及中譯,自學也完全OK!

      6. 測驗題符合大考命題原則及出題走向,著重測驗文意理解。

      7. 精美全彩印刷、俏皮活潑的內頁設計,讓學生對題組練習題不再恐懼。


    Section 1 克漏字

    Unit 1 The World Language

    Unit 2 Digging into Rome’s History

    Unit 3 Dangerous Mosquitoes

    Unit 4 The Inspired Novelist

    Unit 5 Are Americans Good at Math?

    Unit 6 Wild Animals Belong in the Wild

    Unit 7 International Students Enjoying the “Land Down Under”

    Unit 8 Taiwan: From “Garbage Island” to “Green Island”

    Unit 9 The Olympic Games: A Worldwide Sporting Event

    Unit 10 What Will the Future of the Music Industry Be?

    Unit 11 A Good Start to the Day

    Unit 12 Fast Food and Obesity

    Unit 13 A Dog’s Healing Love

    Unit 14 In Japan, Slim Is In

    Unit 15 Standing Tall in High Heels

    Unit 16 This Doctor Is Always on Call

    Unit 17 The Human Touch

    Unit 18 A Brighter Future for All

    Unit 19 Quality Time

    Unit 20 The Balancing Act

    Section 2 文意選填

    Unit 1 A Growing Hobby

    Unit 2 British Seas in Crisis

    Unit 3 Fundraising at Gunpoint

    Unit 4 Homeschooling Catches On

    Unit 5 Is Playtime a Waste of Time?

    Unit 6 Mixing Mice and Men

    Unit 7 One Filmmakers Dream of Peace

    Unit 8 Selling Smoking

    Unit 9 Should Genetic Research Be Used to Combat Addictions?

    Unit 10 The Great Coffee Debate

    Unit 11 Wild and Healthy

    Unit 12 Sugary Drinks—Not So Sweet?

    Unit 13 A Closer Look at Artificial Intelligence

    Unit 14 Protecting Poland’s Forests

    Unit 15 New Ways to Buy and Sell

    Section 3 篇章結構

    Unit 1 A Balance Between Learning Methods

    Unit 2 Amazing Cats

    Unit 3 Dangers of Alcohol Abuse

    Unit 4 Is the World Running Out of Oil?

    Unit 5 Its Time for Me to Go

    Unit 6 Shooting Down Stress

    Unit 7 The Hard Lessons of History

    Unit 8 The Risks of Bio-terrorism

    Unit 9 The Rock and Roll Legends

    Unit 10 Watch Out!

    Unit 11 Writing for Games

    Unit 12 Yesterdays Technology

    Unit 13 Video Games: More than Just Fun

    Unit 14 Teens and Smartphone Addiction

    Unit 15 Hurricanes—Nature’s Fury

    其 他 著 作
    1. Cloze Test & Discourse Structure 大考三題型:克漏字&文意選填&篇章結構 (附解析本) (修訂四版)
    2. Cloze Test & Discourse Structure 大考三題型:克漏字&文意選填&篇章結構 (附解析本) (修訂四版)
    3. Cloze Test & Discourse Structure 大考三題型:克漏字&文意選填&篇章結構(附解析本)(修訂二版)
    4. Advanced Reading 2:進階閱讀攻略(附解析本)
    5. 大考三題型:克漏字&文意選填&篇章結構