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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
地圖+地圖創意遊戲 (附行旅世界地圖包)
  • 定價650.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$520
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跟美國人學,最常用美國口語:超簡單.超好學! (附MP3)


施孝昌,Steve Lindberg
110.00  元
HK$ 93.5  

  • 叢書系列:英語通
  • 規格:平裝 / 256頁 / 15 x 21 x 1.3 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 生活英語會話












      英文說:Give me a hand.(給我一隻手)


      英文說:Keep your chin up.(抬起下巴)


      英文說:Keep your shirt on!(繼續穿著襯衫,別脫下來)




















      Simply put.(簡單說一句。)

      Be a good sport.(做一個有雅量的人。)

      You get the picture?(你明白我的意思嗎?)

      Take it or leave it.(要就拿走,不要拉倒。)




    Unit 1 Anytime.?


    Unit 2 Be a good sport.?


    Unit 3 By the way.?


    Unit 4 Could I have a word with you??


    Unit 5 Could you excuse us, please??


    Unit 6 Can you give me a hand??


    Unit 7 Couldnt be better.?


    Unit 8 Dont give it another thought.?


    Unit 9 Do you mind if ~?


    Unit 10 A: Guess what! B: What??

    (A: 你猜看看!B: 什麼?)

    Unit 11 Got that??


    Unit 12 How do you like this weather??


    Unit 13 It was kind of boring.?


    Unit 14 I know only too well.?


    Unit 15 Ill get right on it.?


    Unit 16 I cant say for sure.?


    Unit 17 Im not surprised.?


    Unit 18 I cant argue with that.?


    Unit 19 I cant beat that.?


    Unit 20 I cant complain.?


    Unit 21 I cant top that.?


    Unit 22 I couldnt ask for more.?


    Unit 23 I couldnt care less.?


    Unit 24 I couldnt quite follow.?


    Unit 25 I didnt catch your name.?


    Unit 26 Ill think about it.?


    Unit 27 I didnt catch that.?


    Unit 28 I wouldnt count on it.?


    Unit 29 It cant be helped.?


    Unit 30 It isnt worth the trouble.?


    Unit 31 Ill bet.?


    Unit 32 Im glad you could drop by.?


    Unit 33 Im just in the mood for ~?


    Unit 34 Im having such a hard time.?


    Unit 35 Its raining cats and dogs.?


    Unit 36 I bet...?


    Unit 37 I hear you.?


    Unit 38 Ive heard so much about you.?


    Unit 39 I believe weve met.?


    Unit 40 Its out of the question.?


    Unit 41 I havent got all day.?


    Unit 42 I would if I could.?


    Unit 43 I dont see why not.?


    Unit 44 Its no use.?


    Unit 45 I dont blame him for…?


    Unit 46 Its for a good cause.?


    Unit 47 Its worth ~?


    Unit 48 Its worthy of ~?


    Unit 49 Im going to get a second opinion.?


    Unit 50 Keep your shirt on!?


    Unit 51 Know something by heart.?


    Unit 52 Know something by memory.?


    Unit 53 Keep your chin up.?


    Unit 54 Lets call it a day.?


    Unit 55 Lets get down to business.?


    Unit 56 Look whos here.?


    Unit 57 Lets make a bet…?


    Unit 58 Let it be.?


    Unit 59 Maybe you have a point.?


    Unit 60 Make up your mind.?


    Unit 61 Makes no difference to me.?


    Unit 62 Mind your manners.?


    Unit 63 Nice weather were having.?


    Unit 64 Nice job.


    Unit 65 No kidding.


    Unit 66 On second thought.?


    Unit 67 Our TV picture is fuzzy.?


    Unit 68 You might as well?


    Unit 69 So what?


    Unit 70 Simply put.?


    Unit 71 Someone is in the way.?


    Unit 72 Speak of the devil.?


    Unit 73 Thats more like it?


    Unit 74 Time to call it a day.


    Unit 75 Take my word for it.?


    Unit 76 ... the loser...?


    Unit 77 That doesnt make sense.?


    Unit 78 Take it or leave it.?


    Unit 79 Thats the last straw.?


    Unit 80Thats what I say.?


    Unit 81 There is no doubt about it.?


    Unit 82 There is no need to ~?


    Unit 83 There is no way to tell.?


    Unit 84 Theres no excuse for a long face.?


    Unit 85 Things will work out all right.?


    Unit 86 What brings you here??


    Unit 87 What did you say??


    Unit 88 You cant fight the city hall.?


    Unit 89 What about you??


    Unit 90 We were just talking about you.?


    Unit 91 A: What should I bring? B: Yourself.?

    (A: 我應該帶什麼來? B: 你人來就好。)

    Unit 92 Why dont we get together for ~ ?


    Unit 93 You got it!?


    Unit 94 You can count on me.?


    Unit 95 You cant win them all.?


    Unit 96 You get the picture??


    Unit 97 A: You know what? B: What??

    (A: 你知道嗎? B: 知道什麼?)

    Unit 98 You know what Im saying??


    Unit 99 Youd be better off.?


    Unit 100 Youll ~ if you ~.?



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